Pretty Vicious were my sound of 2016. Hailing from Merthyr Tydfil, they were the one band I didn't stop talking about all of last year.
The small welsh band who played at BBC Introducing's Future Festival last year, are essentially about to let off a small bomb when they release their debut album later this year. With impending riots and chaos due to ensue the day the album drops, if the video for Cave Song is anything to go by, I know they're going somewhere fast.
This time last year, with only one two track EP and a few singles, it was already clear things were going to kick off.
That was last year.
I wrote my playlist in October, heard it fully in November, edited it in December and released it just before new year. In that time, BBC Introducing and MTV included The Amazons in their Sound's of 2017 and I knew the assumptions which would be made. Everyone expects my Sound of 2017 to be the Reading four-piece.
My Sound of is never that predictable. Yes I love them, but no, The Amazons aren't my Sound of 2017. Neither are Hippo Campus or Blaenavon, which seemed to surprise a lot of you.
My Sound of 2017 is of course, The Night Cafe.
An indie band from down south who I love with a handful of tracks released to their name. Could it have really been much more typical of me?
If your looking for the next big thing, you've found them.
(I've already wrote about my whole Sound of 2017 here and you can expect posts about the band from here on in.)