Thursday 31 January 2013

Mallory Knox Debut Album Signals

Mallory Knox, a name that you won't be forgetting anytime soon. Mallory Knox are my Cambridge favourites and ten days ago they released their incredible debut album Signals, through A Wolf At Your Door Records.

I've waited a while for this debut album. I had it pre-ordered the minuet I could, and the wait was worth it.

 Some songs of the album, like 'Hello', were released before the full album and allowed people like myself to be teased into the album. It was one of those albums for me which I just had to pre-order and anticipate, because I heard a little of what this band could do and already they had me captivated.

The album its self is unbelievable with some really loud, energetic songs like 'Hello' which would see a crowd go mental at a concert, alongside some quieter songs like '1949'.

This album has been my sound track for the last ten days (I pre-ordered it so I would get it the exact day it came out, which is quiet sad I know) and it is still sounding amazing. I think it will be one of those albums where no matter how many times you listen to it, you'll never get bored of listening to it. Its just that good.

There's link's below where you can get the album, which I suggest you should because you will just want it when you hear other people playing it.