We love this time of year. Not only because everybody is on tour or announcing dates for next year, but new music is in abundance. So instead of some lengthy introduction we're jumping straight in with the band we've listening to all week. Of course, we are talking about The Wombats.
Yes, they are back! The Liverpudilan three piece are back, ten years after releasing their debut album 'A Guide To Love, Loss & Desperation', with their new album 'Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life'.
You can expect an entire post where we geek out about the band who's music we've played obsessively since we were age 9 later this week, but for now all we're going to say is order the new album, get tickets to next years huge UK + Ireland tour and listen to 'Lemon To A Knife Fight'.
Moving from The Wombats to not one but two of our favourite local bands Bottle Note and Dancing On Tables.
We've interviewed and written about both bands before so you will be pretty familiar with them if you've been with us for the past few months. Both have released new tracks and as per usual we're in love with both.
The first comes from Edinbrugh indie-rock four piece Bottle Note and it is their new single 'Amber'. Sounding slightly heavier than their previous tracks the band are set to support VANT on the bands 'Last Days Of Punk' tours' Edinbrugh date.
We've spoken about this band quite a bit in the last two years. Around this time last year we interviewed Dancing On Tables prior to their gig in the legendary King Tuts supporting Dead Man Fall, which you can find here and ealier this year we caught up with the band in Inverness as part of XpoNorth.
More new music has always been on the cards with this band. After releasing their previous EP titled (and featuring the lead track) 'Don't Stop', we have only been wanting more new music which the band delivered this week in the form of their latest track 'OH'.
And finally, on to a band who aren't so local to us but we love them anyway. You've probably already seen our love on social media for this track but we are kind of obsessed. It's from our favourites in Marscains and it's called 'Throw Ourselves In'. Something else we love about this band is the artwork which goes along with each track which always tends to be a bit abstract and pretty colourful.
(3 out of 4 tracks on Soundcloud in our playlist isn't bad eh?)