I think their one of the most exciting bands in the world right now. Impossible to hate and addictive, a small band with a big sound who could quiet easily be part of the soundtrack to this summer.
Luna Rosa are different. That is unquestionable. That's what makes them all the more
They can't be put under any specific genre and their musical style is far from definable. They don't fall into 'normal' static genres. So of course I had to get an interview with them.
I knew this interview would be something special. With answers I would never expect and replies that genuinely surprised me, Luna Rosa are one of my favourite bands to talk with to date.
They can't be put under any specific genre and their musical style is far from definable. They don't fall into 'normal' static genres. So of course I had to get an interview with them.
I knew this interview would be something special. With answers I would never expect and replies that genuinely surprised me, Luna Rosa are one of my favourite bands to talk with to date.
Before when I have
asked bands to explain their band name, I usually get the reply 'its
just a name we liked' or it has a small, typical background story.
Not with this band. There's an elaborate story to tell.
“Our initial leader Adam "Noisemaker" Binley went
through a stage of being obsessed with the devil and had a theory
that every thing good was linked back to him. "People have to
understand the bad before they can receive the good". At the
same time he had a moon calendar and became engrossed in Luna
landings. He found that there were 4980 days between Rosa Parks
taking her stand against racial inequality and the first moon
landing. Now 4+9+8+0= 21 Neil Armstrong and crew returned 2 days
later. 21+2 = 23, now 2 divided by 3 is 0.666 "the sign of the
beast", coincidence? He realized that people had to evolve past
prejudice and inequality and greater intelligence would come in turn.
"The last great evolution of society". He took the Luna
Reference and the Rosa and created Luna Rosa. There's also 13 years
between the two events and 13 divided by 4 members = 3.5 which on the
street is known as an "8th" which is what he'd bought that
evening before coming up with the name.”
Luna Rosa is made up of Rory McDade on Guitar/Vox, Darren Myles on Guitar, Kieran Maguire on Bass and Cole O'Neill on Drums, Percussion, Lighting, Entrance music and Flag Preparation manager.
The name 'Luna Rosa' gives nothing away about the bands musical
style. Then again, I don't think anything would give away this bands
musical style.
“I think we take a bit from a lot of genres, but people would
probably put us in the Alternative/Indie category. Song writing wise,
our songs normally make a point or tell a story. Our sound crosses
through different genres, one song could be quiet and intricate where
the next one will be loud and brash.”
With other bands, their style falls under an umbrella type style,
whilst this band seem to cross most genres. Sometimes a bands
influences help categorise a bands style. With Luna Rosa, this isn't
the case either.
“Musically there's too many to name. We like a bit of everything
from most genre's, preferably bands though. We agree on some bands
and disagree on others. I suppose that's where our interests cross
over and we get our sound. Influence can come from anywhere, from
sitting at a bus stop to looking at a sandwich, its not always from
listening to a record.”
Last year the band released their debut self titled EP which
seemed to be received well between fan tweets and EP reviews.
Personally I love the EP. It isn't a nonsensical EP filled with
overly metaphoric lyrics and constant leggiero tempos. It is rough,
young British rock music baring the slightest resemblance to the
earliest Arctic Monkeys tracks. Already I prefer this band so many
others who are claimed to be the best British rock-indie bands
because the rest are full of compliments or insults, whilst this band
say it as it is and there is nothing more to it. They get to the
heart of the matter, without romanticising things with lyrics like,
“And I hope my mum don't see me now she's the only one I wouldn't
wanna let down."
I came across this band last year just before the EP was released.
At that point I knew I had to see Luna Rosa live. Their music itself
seemed so lively and I wanted to see how it sound live. For the band,
2015 consisted of touring and releasing from their EP to their
“2015 was good for us, we played all over the country from
churches to gallery’s, venues, pubs and a few shitholes. We got to
play with some great bands. We released our first E.P along with a
single and a video. Got some new fans, met some good people and met
some weirdo's.”
Last year was a good year for alot of introducing, up and coming
new bands. Already, only two months into this year, 2016 looks to be
a big year for new music. With new tour dates, new singles and a new
EP, this band are no exception.
“We hope to tour our first E.P and really get it out there. We
have plenty of gigs booked up and a few secret sessions. Then
hopefully in the summer we will be recording another E.P and single.
Currently we're working on a few videos and new songs for the second
Something I always ask anyone I interview is 'What has been your
best show to date and why ?” I always ask this because every band
and musician have a favourite, for one reason or another. Whether it
is because it was a personal, intimate gig or a great crowd, there is
always at least one favourite. So of course, I asked Luna Rosa.
“Probably our E.P launch party, just because it was packed with
family and friends, we played well and the atmosphere was great. It
was good to hear the crowd singing the songs back to us. And it all
got a bit messy afterwards.”
As a band who are still building up their fan base and still being
discovered by a lot of people, what would be your ideal festival to
headline one day and who would you want to play alongside ?
“We'd be happy to headline any festival… We'd be happy just to
be invited. With Wu-Tang Clan bringing da ruckus.”
As a band who have started from nothing, what advice would you
give to bands who are just starting out ?
“Practice as much as you can, get out and gig as much as you
can. Sound before look. Take risks with your songs, if you think
something feels or sounds right then believe in it. Don't ever play a
white Strat.”
Right now your a small band with a big sound, something I think
people are really going to like. What would you say to your fans the
now, the ones who have been with you since the start ?
“Thank you to every single one of them, we appreciate all the
effort you make and hopefully we can keep doing right by you by
playing better and writing better songs !”
As mentioned above, the band released their self titled debut EP, which is available here, on the bands Bandcamp page ;
I really like this band. Their from Corby, UK and have seem to created their own sound, whilst incorporating the working class, indie sound we seem to create best in this country.
I cannot wait to see where this band go from here, and where we will be able to find them over the coming months.
For now you can follow them and listen to their music through the links below,