Monday, 7 September 2015

Young Mammoth

Young Mammoth. Probably one of the most promising bands I've heard this year. If their self-title EP is a glimpse of what’s to come, they could possibly become one of the biggest bands in the world. 


There is some music out there which you fall in love with the minuet you hear it. Over the last few years I've fallen in love with so many introducing bands, full of promise, heartfelt lyrics and an undeniable love for music. Beside Pretty Vicious, this band are my new upcoming favourites.

Its so difficult to say who bands sound like, because sometimes they have a style and sound of all their own. If anything this band have similarities to the Vaccines, the Kooks and even Kings of Leon with their track 'Wasted Time', however they have an element to their sound which is all their own.

With a twitter following of about 400, this band may not be the biggest in the world yet, however soon I honestly think they will just take off.

The bands self-titled EP 'Young Mammoth' was released earlier this year and it is incredible sounding, giving us a slight taste of what is to come. Some of their songs have anthemic-type qualities, which given the right crowd will definitely be something special to see. 

I genuinely believe Young Mammoth are something really special and hopefully they will grace next years festival stages, showing off to the world how incredible their music is.

Please go and listen to this band and decide for yourself the level of their greatness. They need all the support they can get, just like every other band who are trying to make a name for themselves.

Every year I aim to find a band who I love, who take on the world and become huge. For me already Catfish and the Bottlemen, Nothing But Thieves and Circa Waves have blown away the expectations I had when I first heard them. This band, hopefully, will be my next.

There is definitely something special about this band.

Young Mammoth Soundcloud


Young Mammoth Official Twitter 


Young Mammoth EP on Bandcamp