Hailing from Manchester Puppet Rebellion are quickly finding their way in the world, thanks to their instinctive indie sound grabbing the attention of Mancunians and people a bit further away.
I adore this band so much. Their incredible sounding, keeping alive the indie sound that so many of us seem to love. If you get the chance please go and see them live. All their live shows have incredible reviews and their defiantly worth seeing. They've toured with Catfish and the Bottlemen and if their anything to go by, big things could come quite quickly for this English five piece.
In 2014 the band released their incredible second EP 'No Means Yes.' In March last year the band released the video for their single 'Watch Me Fall' which is like a fairy-lights fanatics dream. I love this single and hopefully this is just the start of what is to come.
As I said before I adore this band. They deserve huge sold out shows with adoring fans waiting hours outside before their show just to catch a glimpse of the band.
I'm praying that an album is on the way and maybe even a UK tour ?
Anyways, Puppet Rebellion are an incredibly talented band and definitely deserve a listen.