Sempiternal, the bands fourth studio album, which won both Alternative Press' and Kerrang's best album award, has became a turning point for Bring Me The Horizon. That album added to and finalized the bands definitive sound. Now however a new sound is emerging, but this time Sykes screams have become melodic vocals, or so the bands latest single 'Drown' suggests.
In July at the Alternative Press Music Awards Sykes accepted the award for 'Best Album', for Sempiternal, and in his acceptance speech Sykes spoke about his time in rehab and also his support from family, friends and fans.
Sykes said
“No one fucking knows this, but I went to rehab for a month, and through
that time, you guys had no fucking idea that I was in rehab. But you
were sending me letters. You were sending me text messages. You were
sending me fucking emails. When I got out of that rehab, I didn’t wanna
fucking scream anymore; I wanted to sing it through the rooftops, and
it’s all thanks to you. So thank you very much.”
The band release 'Drown' on the 7th of December and are planning to go back to the studio early next year for their next album.
Syke's screaming days may be over for now, thats not to say however they won't resurface again, coming back over the horizon.